
How do autoimmune diseases affect fertility and pregnancy?
Autoimmune diseases increase the complications risk and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and have also been linked in some studies to increased risk of infertility and sterility of autoimmune origin. Women with autoimmune diseases have an increased […]

Subdermal contraceptive implant — what is it, how does it work, how effective is it?
The contraceptive implant is a small rod, 4cm long and 2mm thick, which is placed in the arm at the subdermal level. This implant progressively releases a hormone similar to progesterone, preventing ovulation and therefore […]

Basal ultrasound scan: antral follicle count to determine ovarian reserve
The antral follicle count (AFR) is one of the first tests to be performed on a woman undergoing infertility testing. It’s a transvaginal ultrasound in which the number of follicles — cystic structures that form […]

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the genetic information used in the development and functioning of organisms and is present in all human cells except red blood cells. In the case of human […]

Hyperandrogenism: Causes and solutions
All women, especially in the reproductive age, physiologically produce a low concentration of male gonads or androgens. Some diseases cause an increase in the concentration of these male gonads, such as hyperandrogenism. Being able to […]

Being a mother after 40: reproduction options, pros and cons
The delay of motherhood is a social phenomenon. More and more women choose to develop their life projects and postpone the moment of becoming mothers. A new model inspired by social, cultural and economic changes. […]

Can the immune system have an impact on implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss?
The immune system plays a very important role in the health of human beings, acting as a defence barrier against harmful organisms or substances. Immunology is a very complex area when trying to get pregnant or as […]

What is the FSH and what is its function?
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is essential to reproduction. It is produced by the pituitary gland situated just below the brain (behind the palate) and is released into the bloodstream. The hormone regulates the ovaries and is involved in the […]