Медицинский персонал

Dra. María Martínez
Bachelor’s degree in Medicine from Miguel Hernández University, Elche, 2013 followed by residency training as a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology between 2013 and 2018 at University Hospital Puerta del Hierro in Madrid.
Completion of the Official Refresher Programme in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University of Barcelona.
Expert in Differential Diagnosis of Tumours on the Ovary using Ultrasound Scans, University of Navarra.
University Expert in Medical Genetics, Rey Juan Carlos University.
Expert in Advanced Life Support, European Resuscitation Council.
Researcher on the ‘Immunogenicity and Safety Study of GSK Biologicals’ Boostrix (263855) Vaccine in Pregnant Women’.
Medical and teaching collaborator at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Co-author of the Official Refresher Programme for Gynaecologists (Spanish acronym PROAGO).
Author and co-author of numerous scientific publications and chapters in books. Participation in many training courses and congresses. Member of SEGO, the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.