IB studies wether it is posible to know the oocytes maturation with a urine test to avoid drawing blood

Instituto Bernabeu has hit it again in 2023 in one of the most relevant international scientific publications JBRA Assisted Reproduction. The journal has published the article headed by Dr María Martínez under the title “Exploring self-detection of the endogenous LH surge using a urine test as a tool to predict a suboptimal response to gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist trigger during in vitro fertilization cycles”.
The research originated from the need to verify the correct functioning of one of the most commonly used medications during an essential part of the ovarian stimulation process, the eggs final maturation, through aGnRH (the gonadotropin-releasing hormone that allows the ovaries to produce the main female sex hormones: oestrogen and progesterone).
Usually, this information is obtained by a blood test; the aim of the study was to «verify a quicker, cheaper and more convenient way for patients» without having to take blood, which «is more expensive, uncomfortable and compels patients to come to the clinic», explains Dr Martínez. The scientists have focused on validating the use of urine ovulation strips (LH strips), a test that can be done comfortably at home, as a method for detecting this effect. Dr Martínez explains that «aGnRH creates a rise in the values of the hormone associated with ovulation (luteinising hormone or LH) and, thanks to this, its effect is detected with tests any patient can use at home».
Results have revealed that, in cases where the strip is positive, it is considered a reliable result, but not so much when it is negative, as Dr Martínez explains: «when the strip is positive, we have found that there is a relationship with the collection of mature oocytes from the patient, and there is a good number of mature oocytes in the punctures; but when the strip is negative, it does not always mean that medication has not done its job. In these cases, we will use a blood test to check if medication worked properly”.
M. Martínez; R. Delgado; E. Quevedo; J. Guerrero; H. Moragues; JA Ortiz; A. Bernabeu; JC Castillo; R. Bernabeu