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Working Women´s Day Award for Sómnica Bernabeu

Working Women´s Day Award for Sómnica Bernabeu

Sómnica Bernabeu collected the past 6th of March the award that recognize her work through the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work: Woman Solidarity Proyect Award 2009. In particular, the organization´s manager has recieved the award […]

Instituto Bernabeu presents IB Biotech, a new genetics company that gives everyone the opportunity of having the benefits of the DNA analisys

Instituto Bernabeu presents IB Biotech, a new genetics company that gives everyone the opportunity of having the benefits of the DNA analisys

The Instituto Bernabeu Group has presented IB Biotech, a new genetics company «that has a great experience, given that is born as a split of the Genetics and Molecular Biology Department of the Instituto Bernabeu, […]

Instituto Bernabeu presents IB BIOTECH, a new company of genetic services www.ibbiotech.com

Instituto Bernabeu presents IB BIOTECH, a new company of genetic services www.ibbiotech.com

The Instituto Bernabeu Group has presented IB Biotech, a new genetics company «that has a great experience, given that is born as a split of the Genetics and Molecular Biology Department of the Instituto Bernabeu, […]

IV Forum Mujer y Sociedad registration period has started

IV Forum Mujer y Sociedad registration period has started

The registration period for the IV Forum Internacional Mujer y Sociedad has started and it will take placethe 13th and 14th of March. This year, tha IV Forum counts with …

IB has reached the 30.000 medical histories and repeats the record of two thousand Assited reproduction treatments in 2008

IB has reached the 30.000 medical histories and repeats the record of two thousand Assited reproduction treatments in 2008

Alicante, 22nd January 2009 Instituto Bernabeu has registered in 2008 the record of treatemnts in Assisted Reproduction. We have exceeded, for the second time, the 2000 treatments in one year.

Prize-giving Ceremony of the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work I Tales and Drawing Children Contest

Prize-giving Ceremony of the Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work I Tales and Drawing Children Contest

Next Thursday 15th of January it will take place the prize-giving Ceremony of the Rafael Bernabe Foundation, Charity Work I Tales and Drawings Children Contest. The prizes were gift vouchers of any of the FNAC […]

Rafael Bernabeu Foundation published its activities for 2008

Rafael Bernabeu Foundation published its activities for 2008

Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work, has published the activities carried oput during 2008. Instituto Bernabeu has proved from the beginning the great sensibility towards social, etnic and human aspects.

The Foundation published the name of the children awarded in the children contest

The Foundation published the name of the children awarded in the children contest

The Rafael Bernabeu Foundation, Charity Work, has published the names of the grils and boys awarded in the I Tales and Drawings Children Contest: Awarded in 2008: Drawing:— 5 to 8 years old …

IB has paid tribute to Professor Alberto Romeu Sarrió perosnal and professional career

IB has paid tribute to Professor Alberto Romeu Sarrió perosnal and professional career

The Professor ALBERTO ROMEU, Head of the Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine at La Fe Universitary Hospital in Valencia, has retired this Novembre. As a tribute to his personality, deeply compromise with the development of the […]

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