
Научные публикации

Study of placental vascularization using 3D Power Doppler on week 20 of spontaneous pregnancies and after assisted reproductive techniques

Study of placental vascularization using 3D Power Doppler on week 20 of spontaneous pregnancies and after assisted reproductive techniques

Дата: 15 октября 2016


Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad. Vol. 33 nº 4. October 2016. Francisco Sellers López, Belén Moliner Renau, Ana Palacios Marqués, Rafael Bernabeu Pérez.

Chromosomal polymorphic variants increase aneuploidies in male gametes and embryos

Chromosomal polymorphic variants increase aneuploidies in male gametes and embryos

Дата: 25 августа 2016


Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. Vol. 62,  Issue 5, pp 317-324. August 2016. Ruth Morales, Belén Lledó, José A. Ortiz, Jorge Ten, Joaquin Ll. Aparicio & Rafael Bernabeu.

Clinical efficacy of recombinant versus highly purified follicle-stimulating hormone according to follicle-stimulating hormone receptor genotype

Clinical efficacy of recombinant versus highly purified follicle-stimulating hormone according to follicle-stimulating hormone receptor genotype

Дата: 17 мая 2016


Pharmacogenetics GenomicsVol 26 (6), 288-93. June 2016.  Belén Lledó, Patricia Dapena, Jose A. Ortiz, Ruth Morales, Joaquín Ll. Aparicio and Rafael Bernabeu

Can reproductive medicine help to understand the aetiopathogenesis of pre-eclampsia?

Can reproductive medicine help to understand the aetiopathogenesis of pre-eclampsia?

Дата: 01 апреля 2016


Reproductive Medicine and Clinical Embryology (MEDRE). Vol. 03, 1-3. 2016. F. Sellers, J. Ll. Aparicio y R. Bernabeu. 

Metabolites involved in cellular communication among human cumulus-oocyte-complex and sperm during in vitro fertilization

Metabolites involved in cellular communication among human cumulus-oocyte-complex and sperm during in vitro fertilization

Дата: 01 ноября 2015


Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. November 2015. M.J. Gómez, E.M. García, J. Guerrero, S. Medina, M. J. Izquierdo, A. Gil, J. Orduna, M. Saviron, J. Ten, R. Bernabeu, M. Avilés, L. González

Efecto de la Vitrificación de Ovocitos Humanos sobre la Capacidad de Unión y el Estado Acrosomal de Espermatozoides Humanos

Efecto de la Vitrificación de Ovocitos Humanos sobre la Capacidad de Unión y el Estado Acrosomal de Espermatozoides Humanos

Дата: 01 июня 2015


International Journal of Morphology. June 2015, Ismael Vilella; Eva Mª García.; Jorge Ten; Rafael Bernabeu; Yolanda Segovia Huerta; María José Gómez-Torres

Androgen receptor CAG repeat length is associated with ovarian reserve but not with ovarian response.

Androgen receptor CAG repeat length is associated with ovarian reserve but not with ovarian response.

Дата: 01 октября 2014


RBMOnline. Vol. 29, 509-515. October 2014. B. Lledo, J. Ll. Aparicio, A. Turienzo, J.A. Ortiz, J. Guerrero, R. Morales, J. Ten, R. Bernabeu.

Pharmaceutical options for triggering of final oocyte maturation in ART.

Pharmaceutical options for triggering of final oocyte maturation in ART.

Дата: 01 июля 2014


BioMed Research International. vol. 2014, Article ID 580171, 7 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/580171. July 2014J. C. Castillo, P. Humaidan, and R. Bernabeu

Pharmacogenetics of ovarian response

Pharmacogenetics of ovarian response

Дата: 02 июня 2014


 Pharmacogenomics. 15 (6), pp 885-893. June 2014B. Lledó, J. A. Ortíz, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu

A multicenter prospective study to assess the effect of early cleavage on embryo quality, implantation, andlive-birth rate

A multicenter prospective study to assess the effect of early cleavage on embryo quality, implantation, andlive-birth rate

Дата: 01 апреля 2014


Fertility and Sterility Vol. 104, Issue 4. Pages 981-987. April 2014Maria José de los Santos, Ph.D.,Gemma Arroyo, Ph.D.,Ana Busquet, Ph.D.,Gloria Calderon, Ph.D.,Jorge Cuadros, Ph.D.,Maria Victoria Hurtado de Mendoza, Ph.D.,Marta Moragas, Ph.D.,Raquel Herrer, Ph.D., Agueda Ortiz, Ph.D.,Carme Pons, M.Sc.,Jorge Ten, Ph.D.,Miguel Angel Vilches, Ph.D., and Maria Jose Figueroa, Ph.D., for the ASEBIR Interest Group in Embryology.

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