Èkstrakorporalʹnoe oplodotvorenie Список видео, которые вы можете найти на веб-сайте Instituto Bernabeu, оÈkstrakorporalʹnoe oplodotvorenie Investigación IB en “Pathogens”: Impacto de la microbiota vaginal alterada sobre la FIV What is time-lapse (Geri®)? Improving embryo selection Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH): Know the Age of your Ovaries Double donation IVF Sexual intercourse after embryo transfer Pregnancy and childbirth guarantee. Egg donation Pregnancy and childbirth guarantee. IVF + embryo adoption Pregnancy and childbirth guarantee. ROPA Pregnancy and childbirth guarantee. IVF + egg donation 10 things you should know if you want to freeze your eggs What is the Ovarian Reserve? Antiphospholipid Syndrome: What is it? How does it affect pregnancy? Diagnostic Hysteroscopy — Instituto Bernabeu When mum decides to have a family: single parenting Embryo transfer in natural cycles Mini or micro IVF. In vitro fertilisation during natural cycles Implantation failure and repeated miscarriage unit IB Beta-hCG: interpreting your pregnancy test Endometriosis healthcare Virus Zika: síntomas, embarazo y tratamiento de fertilidad The Endometrial Biopsy and its role in the couple’s fertility Natural Killer Cells and reproduction ICSI: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) explained simply Cystic Fibrosis and fertility Marfan Syndrome Seminogramme and advanced semen studies (FISH and TUNEL) Экстракорпоральное оплодотворение (ЭКО) ICSI Array-CGH: Discovering the miracles of the embryo. Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) División embrionaria hasta blastocisto. Time Lapse del Instituto Bernabeu IB low ovarian response unit Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PDG) Pregnancy and childbirth guarantee. Double IVF + egg donation (Poor ovarian reserve) Is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) the same as plasma rich in growth factors (P.R.F.C.) and, are there any differences?